
Does Nepotism have a role to play in making a career in the Bollywood?

Nepotism is the practice of favoritism based on Kinship. Nepotism means to appoint relatives or friends in one’s own organisation or workplace a position to which other people would be more eligible. It is just a reflection of the aspect of human nature. Slight inclinations towards the one you like exist in every society as well as the showbiz industry. Most of the community is ignorant of the term “Nepotism” and the rest of them are least bothered. Nepotism is not given as much importance by common mass as it only perturbs those aspirants who lack contact in the industry.

Bollywood has many elements apart from Acting such as Direction,
Scriptwriting, Lyrics, Music composition, etc which make a certain piece ofCinema a masterpiece. Even these people have dreams for their children to follow their footsteps. Nepotism as such isn’t limited to the acting department alone.
However, the showbiz industry has seen many instances proving that in
the long run, no surname helps and one has to depend on the skill set they

In the Bollywood industry, a career can’t be built only through nepotism. It can give you a chance to act but it cannot make you a star. Talent, hard work and luck are three major aspects that are necessary for the career to blossom in the industry.
Nevertheless, the fact cannot be ruled out that nepotism has a distinct
role in getting a break in the Bollywood industry in the form of a good
connection that helps approach the right person at right time and at the right place.
It has been the understated fact that directors and producers want to put
their money in someone they know rather than a newcomer.The very presence of nepotism becomes unfair on the people who are an
outsider in the industry. On the other hand, the tag of nepotism comes with a lot of pressure -being a star kid and taking the legacy forward. They often tend to be compared with their parents. There is a lot of pressure and it would be hard on them to blame these children for being launched because of their parent’s influence.
Nepotism can give one tickets to enter Bollywood but dedication
towards their craft can decide whether he or she is going to stay here or not. The bigger challenge for those having the nepotism advantage has been making their mark and not being overshadowed by the star status of their parents.

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