
Exploring Cinema Therapy as a concept?

Cinema therapy is the use of cinema or movies to manage medical, mental health and life management. It can be looked at as a process where the consumer and the advisor have a chat about the characters in the popular films which in long run could help solve the core problem of the patient.

Cinema therapy dates back to the times when the art of using stories as a medium of guidance existed. Movie therapy aims at over all development of people and watching them become the heroes of their own life. This kind of remedial treatment help the patient to understand any issue as the films cover a vast range of topics which are open to any interpretation by various types of audiences.

Films can be used to communicate a particular thought process to the client through the route of entertainment more smoothly than otherwise. A film has a bigger contact with our lives than ever thought so.  We watch films for mere entertainment but it has the power to get the viewers to emotionally connect to the same.

Movies can be used to cure individuals, groups, family as well as couples. It increases the communication skills and also aids in becoming more aware of their own feelings and desires.

The therapist should keep in mind certain criteria which is essential while choosing a film for therapy purposes.

  1. The film should be interesting to the age group being dealt with.
  2. Movie characters which are more desirable include the ones who can connect with individual on the emotional level.
  3. Therapists should watch and review the particular film before showing it to the patient.

At the end I would like to say that everything has its Pros and Cons so the experts in field should study the individual cases and then decide whether cinema therapy would prove beneficial for them or not.

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