
The difference between movie stars and Actors in Bollywood?

A movie star is an actor who is famous for their starring or leading role in a movie. The term is used for performers who are marketable stars and whose name is used to promote movies. While an actor portrays a specific character in a performance not necessarily a main lead.

Audience decides whether to go for a movie only if big stars are associated with it. A star has to maintain his or her image which is created by his or her PR team but an actor has the freedom to experiment with variety of roles and the viewers has a perception of them in accordance with the character they are playing at the present time.

There are few points to differentiate between a star and an actor:

  • The goal of a star is to get short term success while the actor thinks of a long-term planning for their career.
  •  Gets films even without even auditioning because of a nepotism or star power whereas the actor works hard to get a particular part in a show or a film.
  • A star isn’t ready to do small petty jobs as they think it hurt their image but an actor understands that a crucial character can come from any source.
  • A star is hungry for fame and huge amount of money on the other hand an actor thinks about his well being as an artist.
  • A star pictures themselves as a celebrity but the actor works hard to know others.
  •  A star often complains about the situations while the artist takes failing as opportunity to get up and keep giving a tough fight till you succeed.
  • A star uses the internet to gain popularity while the actor uses the social media for an interactive sessions with their fandom and research about the characters they are playing.
  • A star only plays one type of roles where as an actor likes to keep a variety of roles in their body of work.
  • On one hand a star lives for awards but on the other hand an actor appreciates the recognition and also knows that this is only a small part of their lives.
  • A star sees the end goal of stardom to work towards while the actor ticks all the check points for shaping a rewarding work life.

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