
What is a storyboard and why is it essential?

Storyboard is a sequence of drawings typically with some directions and dialogues representing the shots planned for a film or television production. It can also be referred to as illustrated representation of the thoughts of the director. This work of art helps explain the plot quickly.

Storyboard is a tool breaks the script into shots, camera angle and action sequences of the film providing a better understanding of the whole project to the cast and crew of the movie. It is very handy to spot the mistakes in the script before it becomes irreparable.

Preparing a storyboard helps the makers to know about whether the particular concept will work with the audience as a film is ultimately made for the happiness and satisfaction of the masses. It is essential to check if the action sequences suit the plot and are well placed with the flow of the narrative. It is also very important that the budget is planned in a sound manner keeping in mind all the last moment changes in the script before goes on the floor. The dialogues and punch lines should be written in accordance to character.

Storyboard helps bring out the details the script wants to convey to all the people and also helps to translate it to the screen in the time period of making the finished product. It also assists the camera angles as well as movements channel the emotional connect to firstly the characters that in turn transmit it to the viewers of the film. Setting is responsible for conveying the tone and feels a particular cinematic piece but the storyboard is the real reason behind the same.

In order to make a movie perfect storyboard becomes an initial and most crucial step. It adds to the beauty of the film.  I believe that a Storyboard can even make the marketing and PR of the film very smooth. Therefore the chances of the film becoming a super hit at   the box office doubles.

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