The struggles of foreign actors and my personal favorite roles in Bollywood?

Bollywood is the Indian Hindi language industry based in Mumbai. With the practice of nepotism in full swing, it is hard for the foreigner to make it big in the industry. Bollywood is a networking based place. Audience likes to watch people onscreen with whom they can connect and relate to. Indian public tend to …

What makes the movie a failure at the Box office?

The box-office flop is defined as a film which is considered highly unsuccessful or unprofitable during the theatrical run. A commercial success of a film is a priority for everyone who is directly or indirectly connected to the Bollywood Industry. The quality of work should be given importance as all the fresh releases have gone …

What is a storyboard and why is it essential?

Storyboard is a sequence of drawings typically with some directions and dialogues representing the shots planned for a film or television production. It can also be referred to as illustrated representation of the thoughts of the director. This work of art helps explain the plot quickly. Storyboard is a tool breaks the script into shots, …

Importance of Audience in the Entertainment industry?

Bollywood has emerged as a brand for every Indian since its inception. In the showbiz industry the makers are basically selling their film to the potential target audience. Audience can make or break a film. Each genre of movies has a separate set of target audience that it needs to cater. The diversity of the …

Why does Bollywood need an item song to ensure the success of the film?

In Indian Cinema an item song is defined as a musical number inserted into a film that may or may not have any relevance to the plot.  The screen writers of film along with the entire team believe that the item songs are the heart of the story line and it is very crucial for …