10 Brilliant Female characters from Indian shows and Movies?

Bollywood and Indian Cinema as a whole have portrayed the leading ladies as a prize for their counterparts. The female actors are often told to look good so that they can look attractive on the big screen. In earlier time there were no female characters are written with the depth or shades. There were no …

How Bollywood justifies infidelity in the light of comedy?

Infidelity is the act of not being faithful to your spouse by having sexual relationship with someone else.  While emotional infidelity describes relationships that break the boundaries of exclusive relationships but are not sexual or physical. Bollywood has always stayed true to the values of a male dominated society. The entertainment industry has normalized the …

Why actress’s career is cut short in comparison to their counterparts?

Indian Cinema is true representation of the Indian Society. Bollywood being such an extensive and well known industry couldn’t ward off the social pressure on it. The gender bias is quite evident in the industry. Though there has been variety in terms of content in accordance to the changing times but the big screen treats …

Why is Indian Media obsessed with star kids?

Publicity is defined as attention given by the newspaper, Television and other forms of media to something or somebody. Publicity can be positive or Negative. The celebrities often get the positive publicity for their contribution to Indian Cinema. Indians have always had fascination towards the rich and famous. Instagram has become a medium to follow …

Why does Bollywood need an item song to ensure the success of the film?

In Indian Cinema an item song is defined as a musical number inserted into a film that may or may not have any relevance to the plot.  The screen writers of film along with the entire team believe that the item songs are the heart of the story line and it is very crucial for …