10 Brilliant Female characters from Indian shows and Movies?

Bollywood and Indian Cinema as a whole have portrayed the leading ladies as a prize for their counterparts. The female actors are often told to look good so that they can look attractive on the big screen. In earlier time there were no female characters are written with the depth or shades. There were no …

Will Bollywood get away with Intimate scenes in the Covid world?

Romance and Intimate affairs are considered a Taboo in the Indian culture. Romance is the favorite genre of Bollywood. Indian films are also adapting with the changing times and trying to be progressive even though there have been cultural barriers even now. The makers of the film industry have been making a lot of money …

How Bollywood justifies infidelity in the light of comedy?

Infidelity is the act of not being faithful to your spouse by having sexual relationship with someone else.  While emotional infidelity describes relationships that break the boundaries of exclusive relationships but are not sexual or physical. Bollywood has always stayed true to the values of a male dominated society. The entertainment industry has normalized the …

Representation of Feminism in Bollywood?

Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, Political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal and social equality of Sexes. In the early days Bollywood was untouched with the meaning of feminism so movies like Ghar toh Aisa showed feminism to not be suitable for the Indian …

Importance of Audience in the Entertainment industry?

Bollywood has emerged as a brand for every Indian since its inception. In the showbiz industry the makers are basically selling their film to the potential target audience. Audience can make or break a film. Each genre of movies has a separate set of target audience that it needs to cater. The diversity of the …