What makes the movie a failure at the Box office?

The box-office flop is defined as a film which is considered highly unsuccessful or unprofitable during the theatrical run. A commercial success of a film is a priority for everyone who is directly or indirectly connected to the Bollywood Industry. The quality of work should be given importance as all the fresh releases have gone …

Why is Indian Media obsessed with star kids?

Publicity is defined as attention given by the newspaper, Television and other forms of media to something or somebody. Publicity can be positive or Negative. The celebrities often get the positive publicity for their contribution to Indian Cinema. Indians have always had fascination towards the rich and famous. Instagram has become a medium to follow …

Can movies earn more money when the makers cast famous Jodis in Bollywood?

The showbiz industry directors are always looking to do something new. They tend to bring brand new pairs in the film together to bring some sort of freshness on the celluloid. It sometimes happens that the audience believes in the old is gold theory. Romance is one genre which is never forgotten in Bollywood giving …