
Importance of Narrative in Films?

The process or skill of telling a story is termed as Narrative. In most cases there is a cultural importance associated with narration of tales. In cinematic world the makers try to create believable stories with interesting characters to help the audience relate to aspect of realism in films. Film in recent times has become a medium to express.

The art of visual story telling can only taught through the films. A film follows a linear path which consists of Set up, Conflict, development and climax. It feels very authentic because camera angles, movements and strong VFX department. It is very crucial to understand for any film maker the way of narration should differ in accordance with the different target audiences.

A strong screenplay has the following elements:

  • Dramatic need: The protagonist should have steady dramatic need (purpose) at the start of the movie and continue with the same till the end of the movie.
  •  Conflict: The cinematic piece should have a valid problem which the hero will need to solve as the script moves forward.
  • Antagonist: Villain should be as strong as the good guy so that he can give a tough fight to protagonist.
  • Characters: The characters should be able to build an emotional connect over the three hours of film. It should also capable of bringing out the tender nuances of screenplay.
  • Dialogues: Dialogues make up the soul of the story. It should be made worth remembering.
  • Attention to detail: In order to keep the viewers absorbed in the story the creative team should be alert on whether everything is on point with setting of storyline.

The narrative should continuously be expanding its horizon because the medium shouldn’t be the same and keep on advancing itself according to the new era. The craft of narration takes a lot of time to achieve any kind of perfection but it always acknowledged if you do it with complete honesty and onus.   

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