
Exploring the concept of Film Criticism

Film Criticism is an analysis and evaluation of films and the film medium. The concept is often used interchangeably with that of film reviews. A film critic is a very important person- a mediator between the filmmaker and the audience who watches the movie first and then the public could decide whether they want to go watch the cinematic piece.

3 types of film criticism are as follows:

  1. Amateur movie criticism: This type of criticism deals with a detailed study of a person who peruses movie reviewing as a hobby who wants to just share their thoughts with the fandom.
  2. Journalistic movie Criticism: It is the most famous and recognized category. It can be published in Newspaper and other media platforms. It has a particular format followed to evaluate the new releases and its quality.
  3. Academic movie Criticism: It focuses on a comprehensive reasoning   and unbiased than others. This type has knowledge   in film studies and is interested in the history of films.  A full-fledged specialization allows them to judge a movie in every parameter and make the audience happy with the content they watch.

 In my opinion a healthy criticism is crucial for any field but films gives us a visual medium to interact and dissect the movie so that we can fully be invested in the content given to us. The fact that we pay for to go watch films in theatres so the audience should be emotionally as well as visually satisfied with the film.

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