
Emergence of Rental Fashion in India

The core ideology behind Rental fashion becoming a major business pitch in a truly dynamic industry was to make the luxury products accessible and affordable to the masses. The end consumers in modern day are going towards carefully spending their hard earned money and saving it for the future.

Most of the public used to buy expensive clothes for special occasions and it sat in their wardrobe for so many years. Renting the same allows them to be easy on their financial budget as well as get a lot of variety to choose from.

The emergence of rental fashion is win-win situation for both the designers and the customers. The professionals aim to increase their brand name and its reach. The customers feel very satisfied with the products they are being offered in the fashion market for a reasonable price.

The pandemic has taught us to value every little thing that life gives us. It promotes the idea of less is more and it also supports the sustainable fashion in these testing times. In earlier times the target audience of the rental business was people attending theme parties and weddings but presently even the bride and the groom have decided to give the concept of rental fashion a chance and they have found it to be very cost effective method. Social media to an extent made the rental business a commercial to make it beneficial for everyone in the fashion industry and beyond.   

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