
Why are sequels becoming popular in Bollywood?

Sequels are a published broadcast or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of the earlier. The film makers are altering the concept to make it a money making opportunity.

Bollywood is constantly coming up with new projects every year. Audience looks for an emotional connect and assured entertainment in every film. This is very reason the masses are ready to invest their hard earned money and so the entire creative team goes the route of making a sequel.

In recent times the fan and filmmaker relationship has evolved to become a give and take equation so it is easier to circumspect what they want to watch. The directors are so ardent to make sequels as they want to play the familiarity card with the audience. The idea of the sequels is result of acceptance of the original film by the viewers.

The performance of any given film at box-office cannot be foreseen and nobody can save it from meeting its fate. Therefore the captain of the ship tries to secure the movie by bringing in stars, known directors and even catchy music in order to attract the audience to an explicit cinematic experience.

Though the conception of sequels took birth in Hollywood but Bollywood thought of it as a new success mantra for earning hard cash. It always wanted to use the brand name of the original film which was a hit in the minds of the audience. The sequel culture has grown popular with Bollywood in comparison to other film industries.

According to me sequels shouldn’t be over done as some well known directors have a firm belief that it is hard to live up to the expectation of the public and so it becomes a tough job to make a series of movies that continue the same story or works with the similar theme.

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