Importance of Dubbing in a movie/ Television show?

Dubbing is a post production process in the art of filmmaking that allows the audience to perceive the sound as natural rather than recorded. The viewers of the creative piece get an experience the mixture of an audio visual combination which enhances the viewing of the film or a television show. Dubbing ensures better quality …

Importance of Product placements in Movies as well as Daily soap?

Product placement refers to the practice of including a brand name, product or Signage or other trademark merchandise within a motion picture, television or other media vehicles for increasing the recognition of the brand in the market. The makers even go to the extent of altering the script of the movies and daily soaps to …

Importance of a screen Test in the Bollywood Industry?

A screen test is a method of determining the suitability of an actor or actress for performing on film or in a particular role.  The developed film is later evaluated by the relevant production personnel such as the casting director and the director of the film. Bollywood always eyes for commercially successful movies so the …

Importance of a Child artist in Television and Bollywood?

The term Child artist is generally applied to children acting on Stage; Television or the Bollywood industry. The film industry is going strong for ages now. This has been possible because of some outstanding performances in various categories like Hero, Heroines, Villains as well as supporting actors. We shouldn’t forget about the child actors who …